Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Two years, really?

Has it really been two years since I updated this blog?

That's sad.

Blogs are like kids. It's easy to forget about them if you have too many. And I have 13 blogs. (Luckily, for my kids, I only have three kids.)

Speaking of novels and wishes children and ideas, here's something for you. And I'm serious this time. I'm going to write this summer. Really.

Here's the idea:

Boys are going extinct. All the babies being born are girls. It used to be 50/50 girls/boys, but now it's like 80/20 girls/boys.

So Charles (or Tom) is one of the boys. He's 15. And he's one of only 6 boys in his school. There are 814 girls. Sounds awesome, right guys? But there's a lot of pressure. Even today there are a lot of expectations put on men. What it means to be a man. And in this story, those expectations are on steroids. Charles (or Tom) is trying to figure out who he is and who he loves and what he's supposed to be.

That's all I have so far.

Oh, wait, and the title:

But I also have a new keyboard for my iPad and a book to help motivate me and other books to give me ideas and some free time (since I finished my Master's last month).

So here goes nothing.


  1. Anonymous30.5.13

    Grrrr...apparently there's a new movie in the works with the same title. Grrrr....and it looks good, too.


    I guess I'll have to come up with a different name. Grrrrr.....

    1. But I like The Only Living Boy In New York.

  2. At least Logan Lerman is in it. I approve of him.
